Martha Karua's Narc-Kenya Party Announces Departure from Azimio la Umoja Coalition Amid Political Turbulence

Martha Karua's Narc-Kenya Party Announces Departure from Azimio la Umoja Coalition Amid Political Turbulence

Martha Karua's Narc-Kenya party has officially declared its intention to leave the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition, a significant shift in Kenya's political landscape. The decision was announced amid rising tensions within the coalition, particularly after President William Ruto nominated four ODM party leaders to Cabinet positions. These leaders—John Mbadi, Opiyo Wandayi, Wycliffe Oparanya, and Ali Hassan Joho—have accepted the roles, intensifying the ongoing political feud.

The Narc-Kenya party's Acting Secretary General, Asha Bashir, cited 'prevailing political developments' as the primary reason for this decisive move. According to Bashir, these developments have made it clear that remaining part of the coalition is no longer in the party's best interest. This announcement is a critical blow to the Azimio coalition, which has been grappling with internal divisions and mounting tensions for some time.

Karua, who stood as Raila Odinga's running mate during the 2022 presidential election, was perceived as a potential successor to take over the leadership of the Azimio coalition. This possibility seemed to gain traction, especially if Odinga's bid to chair the African Union Commission proved successful. However, the current political dynamics have significantly altered the trajectory for Karua and her party.

The exit notice from Narc-Kenya is set to take immediate effect but will comply with the three-month notice requirement stipulated by the coalition agreement. This timeframe allows other member parties to prepare for the impending changes. The reaction from other Azimio coalition members has been varied. Parties such as Wiper, Jubilee, DAP-K, and PNU have openly denied any plans to join the government, positioning themselves as steadfast in opposition to the current administration.

Implications for the Azimio Coalition

The departure of Narc-Kenya is more than just a symbolic setback for the Azimio coalition; it underscores the fragile nature of political alliances in Kenya. The coalition was formed with the intent of providing a robust opposition to the ruling party, yet it has been marred by internal strife and differing visions among its members. The recent nominations by President Ruto have heightened these tensions, leading to accusations of attempts to weaken the opposition by absorbing prominent leaders into governmental roles.

Several political analysts argue that this move by President Ruto is strategic, aiming to dismantle the opposition by co-opting its key figures. This tactic not only strengthens his own political base but also creates discord within the opposition ranks, making it more challenging for them to present a united front. The ripple effects of this strategy are already visible, as demonstrated by Narc-Kenya's departure.

For Martha Karua, the exit from the Azimio coalition opens a new chapter in her political journey. Known for her principled stand on various issues and uncompromising integrity, Karua has always been a prominent figure in Kenyan politics. Her decision to pull out of the coalition could be driven by a desire to preserve her political ideals and maintain an independent course amid the shifting alliances and political maneuvering.

Reactions and Future Prospects

The announcement has elicited a wide range of reactions from political players and the public alike. Supporters of Narc-Kenya have praised the move, viewing it as a step towards reclaiming the party's autonomy and political integrity. On the other hand, some critics see it as a weakening of the opposition's collective strength, potentially giving the ruling party an upper hand.

The future of the Azimio la Umoja coalition now hangs in the balance. Its ability to remain a formidable force in Kenyan politics is contingent upon its members' capacity to navigate these internal challenges and present a cohesive strategy moving forward. The leadership vacuum left by Narc-Kenya's exit will need to be addressed swiftly to prevent further fragmentation.

Political watchers will be keenly observing the next steps taken by both Narc-Kenya and the remaining members of the Azimio coalition. The evolving dynamics will likely shape the political discourse in Kenya for the foreseeable future. Whether this marks the beginning of the end for the coalition or a transformative period of realignment remains to be seen.



The decision by Martha Karua's Narc-Kenya party to exit the Azimio la Umoja coalition is a pivotal moment in Kenya's political narrative. It highlights the complexities and volatility inherent in political alliances, particularly within the context of Kenyan politics. The move has significant implications for the opposition's structure and effectiveness, as well as for Karua's political career.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, stakeholders within and outside the Azimio coalition will need to adapt to the changing dynamics. The next few months will be crucial in determining the coalition's future and the broader implications for Kenya's political landscape. With heightened scrutiny and various strategic interests at play, the coming period promises to be a defining chapter in Kenyan politics.
